Giving AI the Rorschach Test
Click Describe Picture to see the AI's interpretation of the Rorschach image.
The psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach invented his namesake inkblot test for humans in 1921. Now, roughly 100 years later, AIs can take the Rorschach test too. See how the AI's thinking compares to your own using the live demo above.
The demo combines several AI abilities that have progressed to surprising levels over the past year. In this demo, the AI is able to:
- "See" a randomly generated inkblot, chosen by you
- Reason about what real world shapes appear in it
- Highlight exactly where each shape appears
To achieve this, we give the AI the following simple prompt:
Interpret this Rorschach painting. Be specific but brief (2 sentences). Be realistic and plausible. Speak in the first person. Bold a few key phrases.
After the description output a JSON list where each entry contains the precise 2D bounding box [...]
What it comes up with can be surprising. The AI doesn't merely see splotches of ink. Like a human, it reads between the lines, perhaps noticing a samurai warrior, a scowling face, or a spaceship ready for liftoff.