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Demos of AI-Powered Cybersecurity Threats

Summary: Cybersecurity threats enabled by AI are here today, and CivAI has prepared demos of several of these threats.
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AI's Impact on Cybersecurity

AI significantly amplifies cybersecurity threats. It can already be used to conduct convincing phishing campaigns, impersonate trusted co-workers with voice cloning, and perform large-scale analysis of open source code for vulnerabilities. In the future, these attacks will become cheaper, faster, and more accessible for cybercriminals, and each new generation of AI models will enable additional threats.

Seeing Is Believing

The CivAI demos aim to provide a tangible understanding of just how easy AI will make things for cybercriminals. Deep, practical awareness of these threats can better inform cybersecurity policy as it strives to keep pace with recent AI progress. To prevent any possibility of misuse, the demos are not public, but approved organizations can view them by contacting CivAI using the form above.

In the Newsletter: A Deepfake Scam on TikTok

See a past edition of our newsletter for a real-world example of an AI-powered scam in which a fabricated video was created to exploit the popularity of MrBeast, the highest-paid celebrity on YouTube.

A TikTok video with MrBeast talking.

Coming Soon: a Demo for Everyone

Stay tuned for a public announcement of our next demo, This Is Not You. This web application will allow anyone to make a deepfake of themselves while learning about the impacts of AI technology.

Current Work

Demos of AI-Powered Cyber Attacks

See the impact of AI on cybersecurity, from hyper-personalized phishing emails to instant deepfakes.

GenAI Toolkit for the NIST AI Framework

Concrete risk analysis steps that government entities can take when adopting a GenAI system.

Newsletter for Concretely Understanding AI

In this issue: OpenAI's new image generation AI, California's executive order, a deepfake scam on TikTok.
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